Lip Reading Classes

Sight Concern is partnered with Bedfordshire Hearing Advisory Services to provide services to the hearing impaired community in Central Bedfordshire.

We are excited to promote the following Lip Reading Classes.

Hearing loss can be devastating and can lead to social isolation. Lipreading is a widely recognised and vital skill that can be taught to aid communication for people with acquired hearing loss.

You will learn to observe lip patterns, movements of the tongue, jaw and facial expressions. Gradually you will be able to put them all together enabling you to interpret what is being said.

Available to people of all ages you can learn at your own pace and be supported to achieve your goals. You and your teacher will set your own individual learning plan and regularly review your progress.

By the end of your course you and your teacher will be able to clearly see how much you have achieved. You will be able to understand your learning journey and celebrate your success.

You will have the opportunity to make friends with other Lipreaders in the class and be encouraged to socialise and practice your skills.

HAS Leighton Buzzard Lip Reading Class
Morrisons Supermarket, Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 1WS
Monday 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Level: Mixed ability
Contact/Tutor:  Molly Berry
Mobile: 07741 095921
Email:  mb.lipreading@gmail.comCost:  Upon request

HAS Dunstable Lip Reading Class
Revival Centre 4 Lovers Walk Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4BG
Wednesday 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Level: Mixed ability
Contact/Tutor: Molly Berry
Mobile: 07741 095921
Cost: Upon request

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