Sight Concern takes part in Luton DART volunteer trial

Our Visually Impaired Champion George, together with Usef the wonder dog, had a great time on 15th February joining many other volunteers testing out the new Luton DART (Direct Air-Rail Transit) shuttle between Luton Airport Parkway railway station and the airport.

Our friends Phil and Marion from the VIP Club were there too, so together we could provide feedback both as visually impaired passengers using roller canes (including following the tactile paving paths) and also as a guide dog user. It was a really interesting day and we made some suggestions to improve accessibility of the DART even further.

George also met up with Graham Oliver, CEO of Luton Rising in charge of the DART project, and Rachel Hopkins, MP for Luton South, to discuss our experiences. Photo shows George and Usef with Rachel and Graham.

Thanks to the whole team for organising an interesting, worthwhile and enjoyable day. It was a pleasure to ride on the DART and meet lots of nice people, all working together to make the DART experience as good as possible.

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