Website story Above & Beyond Award Volunteers

Sight Concern’s Above and Beyond Award by George Hogman

This quarter’s winners of the Above & Beyond Award are the Sight Concern Bedfordshire Volunteers who have contributed to our Virtual Social Groups!

Here’s what Joanna Clark, our Volunteer Coordinator, had to say: “You`ve all been superb! It’s been hard work involving lots of patience, learning and teamwork from staff and volunteers which you have all provided in spades in your different roles.

You can see the benefits of the hard work in the wonderful exchanges of information and the support that group members are giving each other in the zoom sessions. Your persistence has given them the chance to be with others when they are often on their own. You have also developed Sight Concern`s work into a new area of online social contact.”

Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to the volunteers involved in this project for all their hard work, perseverance, input and continued support to our sight loss community.

This leaves the door open for your nominations for the next Above and Beyond Award.

If you feel an organisation or someone has gone above and beyond, please celebrate this and let me know by email to: or call the office on 01234 311555.

Photo shows some of the Tech Buddy team receiving their Award via Zoom – Joanna wearing a hat for the occasion!
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