Specialist Advice

In Luton we employ specialist Visual Impairment Advisors who carry out detailed, personalised assessments of your needs and work with you to develop and implement a support plan.  In Central Bedfordshire we provide access to Sensory Impairment Advisors which extends our support to also cover clients suffering with hearing loss.  Both the Visual Impairment Advisors and Sensory Impairment Advisors can come to visit you at home.  These services could include, but are not limited to:

Benefits and Concessions Advice

Sight Concern can offer 1 to 1 assessment for visually impaired people and carers to identify and support applications for benefits and concessions.

Specialist Equipment

We can offer demonstrations, advice and information on equipment available to help visually impaired people live safe, independent lives and continue to enjoy hobbies and interests.

Information and Advice

Sight Concern can provide information and advice on daily living and local support services for people living with sight loss. For more information please contact us on 01234 311555

Signposting and Referrals

We can direct people to other local and national services including social services, healthcare, emotional support and practical advice.  We can offer referrals for Sight Concern services such as telephone listening post.

Unfortunately we cannot provide Benefits and Concessions advice to people living in Bedford Borough, or demonstrate specialist equipment, and therefore any users wishing to access these services will need to contact the Sensory Impairment Team within Bedford Borough Council. However, we can offer information and advice to Bedford Borough residents as well as signpost and refer you to other organisations.

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Sight Concern